0:00:36.260,0:00:37.080 Hello 0:00:37.180,0:00:39.280 Hello and welcome 0:00:39.380,0:00:44.820 My name is Sara and I am just putting the last items in place in the apartment for my mum Alma. 0:00:45.100,0:00:46.883 We just need to fit this, right? 0:00:47.183,0:00:48.783 I'm just hanging the pictures, you know. 0:00:48.900,0:00:49.800 We can work that out 0:00:50.000,0:00:52.894 Ohh how lovely! Good thing you came. I'm so pleased about that. 0:00:52.900,0:00:54.538 Of course. 0:00:56.400,0:01:01.190 I'm so happy you come by because I am just hanging my mums pictures on the wall. 0:01:01.615,0:01:02.115 Sure 0:01:02.237,0:01:04.597 Maybe you can help med check that they are even? 0:01:04.797,0:01:06.197 Yes I can definitely do that 0:01:06.200,0:01:09.297 I don't know, this one, I am struggling with this. What do you think? 0:01:10.948,0:01:13.948 Well.. I think you might have to tilt it to the left a little bit. 0:01:15.684,0:01:21.200 Did you have a good holiday? I heard from your boss that you have just been off on holiday? 0:01:21.571,0:01:26.650 Oh yes! It was the first holiday with my firstborn so it was very special. 0:01:27.633,0:01:31.633 Oh how lovely. That is a holiday you will remember for sure. 0:01:31.723,0:01:34.423 How long have you worked at the nursing home? 0:01:34.969,0:01:39.600 Hmm I guess I have worked here for 6 years. All the time I have been at the nursing home. 0:01:40.004,0:01:47.220 That sounds good. Then you must have a lot of knowledge about patients who is suffering from alzheimer. You must have worked with that a lot. 0:01:48.046,0:01:50.246 OH yes. I have a lot of elderly people with alzheimer. 0:01:51.009,0:01:56.650 I really hope that the new medical drug "verubecestat" 0:01:56.750,0:01:59.550 I don't know if I'm pronouncing it correctly - I am probably not at all 0:01:59.716,0:02:05.100 which should have a really good and useful effect on people with alzheimer 0:02:05.300,0:02:09.916 will get its final approval so my mum can benefit form it before it's too late. 0:02:10.596,0:02:12.596 Veru..veru what? 0:02:12.800,0:02:15.154 What kind of medical drug is that? 0:02:15.170,0:02:19.640 Don't you know that there a new medical drug being developed? 0:02:19.747,0:02:22.047 Which can help patients suffering form alzheimer? 0:02:30.052,0:02:32.252 No I don't know anything about that. 0:02:32.328,0:02:35.128 What is it? 0:02:35.192,0:02:38.750 It was first mentioned in a Danish newspaper in 2016 0:02:38.950,0:02:41.823 and it has also been published on the association's webpage for quite some time 0:02:42.225,0:02:45.425 Ohh. I don't know that so well. 0:02:46.698,0:02:48.998 You don't know them so well? 0:02:49.743,0:02:51.743 Yes, but I am not the type who reads that much..