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Joint Short Staff Training Event – Israel
This time all partners of TNP project met at the planned JSSTE in Tel Aviv, 22 – 26, January 2018. On Monday, 22, the partners had the meeting point at 9:00 am in Academic College of Tel Aviv – Jaffo. Project participants of Israel presented templates on the themes - geographic data of Israel including information on culture, traditions and customs, religion and its differences, politics and foreign affairs of Israel. After lunch till five pm, Israel partners – professional teachers, presented the topics like education system of non-medical professions (nurses), their competences, the use of graduates in practice, methods and forms of healthcare financing etc. During a common dinner in a traditional local restaurant which was an interesting and rich culinary experience for the partners, the hosts have prepared a cultural program with traditional music and dancing within the cognition and discovery of differences in the habits of different ethnic groups.
On Tuesday morning, the Turkish team – a supervisor of output 4, has prepared the summary version of a joint dictionary. Most partners refused the original proposal to process 7 areas that should be a contents of the dictionary. After discussion partners focused on two subjects - terminology in common life situations and health care terminology. After lunch the project group moved to Tel Aviv Hospital where the hospital staff introduced project participants the principles of so-called telemedicine. Basically it is about consultation between an expert (doctor, nurse, …) and a patient over the phone (call center).
Wednesday´s morning program was focused on planning the terms of project meeting in Badalona, Spain, then ICT managers discussed together conditions for video creation and the storage of outputs to a disk. Partners from Denmark have run a workshop of video-making on the topic of expression of national character of each project country. The workshop ended with the task of processing your own video on the topic. A sightseeing tour of Jaffa town with a professional guide became an afternoon program. The guided tour of the old town and its history was very interesting thanks to the highly educated guide.
On Thursday, all partners participated in a whole-day trip to Jerusalem, sixty kilometers away. Part of the morning program was intended for a visit of Children's rehabilitation center in the city. Participants had the opportunity to look directly into the departments where they saw how mothers cared for their disabled children with assistance of nurses. The afternoon program was dedicated to the exploration of the old Jerusalem and to professional interpretation of the history of Christianity and Judaism. In the evening time everyone has visited the traditional city market.
On Friday, 8:30 – 12:00, at the Academic College, all of the partner teams met together to evaluate the progress and organization of the JSSTE, consulted all outputs, and agreed on the specific deadlines for further meetings in Turkey and Denmark. The terms and conditions of the planned meetings in Badalona and Cyprus were specified by organizers.
The main project manager reiterated and summed up all the tasks for the next meetings.

TASKS TO OUTPUTS: Turkey: to create about 500 vocab and verbal expressions to the prepared dictionary; Spanish - presentation of the project and project partners for the brochure and its size and format. All partners are required to collect all possible links, phone numbers and contacts applicable in the brochure. Spain and Cypriot teams are obliged to provide all necessary information for planned meetings in their countries including the feedback.

In Tel Aviv – Jaffo, written by Karel Stix
Presentation of Israel
This time all partners of TNP project met at the planned JSSTE in Tel Aviv, 22 – 26, January 2018.  On Monday, 22, the partners had the meeting point at 9:00 am in Academic College of Tel Aviv – Jaffo. Project participants of Israel presented templates on the themes - geographic data of Israel including information on culture, traditions and customs, religion and its differences, politics and foreign affairs of Israel.
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Medical Center Visit

On Tuesday the project group moved to Tel Aviv Hospital where the hospital staff introduced project participants the principles of so-called telemedicine. Basically it is about consultation between an expert (doctor, nurse, …) and a patient over the phone (call center).

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Visit of Children's Rehabilitation Center
On Thursday, all partners participated in a whole-day trip to Jerusalem, sixty kilometers away. Part of the morning program was intended for a visit of Children's rehabilitation center in the city. Participants had the opportunity to look directly into the departments where they saw how mothers cared for their disabled children with assistance of nurses.
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Cultural program

The hosts have prepared a cultural program within the cognition and discovery of differences in the habits of different ethnic groups.

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