• The right to choose one of the health insurance companies and change it once a year, always towards the end of the quarter
  • The right to choose a doctor and a healthcare facility
  • Obligation to observe the treatment regime in the case of illness and to show health insurance card in health care facilities.

Disclosure obligation for a public health insurer:

  • entry into employment
  • changing the insurance company
  • personal data changes
  • birth
  • death
  • he loss or theft of the insured’s card

The rights and duties of patients in the Czech Republic are legislatively enshrined in the Health Services Act 372 / 2011Sb

Patient rights

  • The right to freely accept or refuse health services provided
  • The right to professional health services
  • The right to respect, dignity, and privacy
  • The right to freely choose a provider
  • The right to consult other services
  • The right to information about the internal order of healthcare facilities
  • The right of minors to the continuous presence of a legal guardian or persons appointed by the legal representative

The right of a person with a limited right to a guardian’s presence

  • The right to the presence of a close person in accordance with the internal rules of the medical facility
  • The right to advance information about the price for the provided health services
  • The right to know the names and surnames of healthcare workers who are involved in healthcare
  • The right to refuse the presence of persons not directly involved in attending care
  • The right to protection of personal data and health information
  • The right to receive visits to the healthcare facility with regard to their state of health, and in accordance with the internal rules of the facility
  • The right to spiritual care and support
  • The right of patients with sensory and heavy communication problems to services in a clear and appropriate way
  • The right to information about your health
  • The right of legal representative to information about a minor patient
  • The right to identify close persons who may be informed about a patient’s state of health and who may look into his / her health documentation
  • The right to make statements and copies of medical records
  • Right to deny an operation or health care

Obligations of patients

  • The patient is required to follow the proposed treatment if he agrees
  • The patient is required to adhere to the internal regulations of the particular medical facility
  • The patient is obliged to reimburse the provider for the cost of the provided services not paid or partially covered by public insurance
  • The patient is required to inform the health practitioner of his / her state of health, including infectious diseases
  • The patient must not use alcohol or other addictive substances in a healthcare facility

Each health facility has, in view of the kind of the health services provided, developed internal rules that the patient must be familiar with and who must obey upon arrival.

General rules for hospitalization in the Czech Republic:

  • Save money and valuable things in the vault
  • You will get an identification bracelet at reception
  • Pass personal medication to your health care staff for safekeeping. They will be issued to you when released.
  • Most standard wards in hospitals are allowed to use your own clothes and nightwear, which must be properly changed and kept clean.
  • Patients may use mobile phones, laptops, and other electronic devices. They must avoid disturbing other patients
  • Most health care facilities have free Wi-Fi coverage
  • Diet is prepared in hospitals with respect to the patient’s health. Most hospitals take into account the patient’s dietary requirements, which the patient must report at the reception
  • In healthcare facilities in the Czech Republic, it is not allowed to smoke and drink alcohol



1/ Práva a povinnosti pacientů. Available from: http://www.mzcr.cz/kvalitaabezpeci/obsah/prava-a-povinnosti-pacientu-_3299_29.html (2018-02-14)

2/ Práva a povinnosti. Available from:https://www.mzcr.cz/Cizinci/obsah/prava-a-povinnosti_2620_22.html (2018-02-14)

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