Since 1990, home care has been an integral part of the health and social care system in the Czech Republic. Every insured person has the right to home care. It is covered by health insurance. Home care provides the client with the necessary tasks in the client’s own social environment. It combines health, social and laic care.

Tasks and content of home care in the Czech Republic & Nurse in home care

The maximum range of home care is 3 times a day for 1 hour. The services provided are for example: monitoring of physiological functions, taking of biological material, treatment of skin defects, drug administration, medication, insulin training, self-service training, klyzma, urethral catheter care, stoma treatment, etc. Only qualified nurses without professional supervision, able to undertake full comprehensive nursing care, can work in home care. Some agencies in the Czech Republic also offer care services that include personal hygiene assistance, food provision, food assistance etc. These services are social, paid by the client himself or by the social contribution he receives from the state.

Hospice home care

Recently, there is a growing need for home hospice care (there are 15 in the Czech Republic). This service is intended for incurably ill individuals of any age. Care includes, on the one hand, health services according to the needs and current health of the patient, as well as psychosocial services. The services concern both the patient, but also the family, including care after the death of an individual. This service is the only one providing specialized palliative care to children. Home hospice care is partially covered by the client or his family.



1/ Typologie zdravotních služeb. Available from: ( 2018-02-14)

2/ Druhy zdravotní péče. Available from: ( 2018-02-14)

3/ Zdravotní služby: zákon o zdravotních službách a podmínkách jejich poskytování, zákon o specifických zdravotních službách, zákon o zdravotnické záchranné službě : nové prováděcí vyhlášky k reformním zákonům : podle stavu k 14.5.2012. Ostrava: Sagit, 2012. ÚZ, č. 905.

4/ ANDREJKIVOVÁ, P. Hospicová domácí péče. Sestra. 2008, č. 12, s. 49-50

5/ LENOCHOVÁ, E., BLINKOVÁ, M. Hospicová a paliativní péče. Sestra. 2008, č. 12, s. 47-48

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